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Issue 18

Blue skies and snowy peaks. Is the season really over?

Whenever I finish writing the paper version of the enquirer all hell tends to breaks loose around resort. Drunkenness, handcuffs, injuries, nudity, you name it and it’s probably happened. Even though, with 1 week to go, the mountains are still covered in copious amounts of snow and the slopes are virtually deserted as the last guests make their way (slowly) back to blighty and not a cloud of ash in sight. (and no end of season sausage party either...)

The editor

Things I’ve learnt this week
Le Ski girls will do almost anything for a RTM t-shirt .
Louis is luckier at poker than Capt lucky Mc Luck luck from lucksville Tennessee.
When you sit on a chairlift on your own.
Wherever you sit the melting ice will always drip on you.

Alpine Excess t-shirts

After running out of brand names that begin with C and sharing roughly the same length as Courchevel I have transmogrified a certain credit card logo. These can now be purchased directly from the online store on the web site and would make an ideal present.

Please note item shipped from France will take 3-5 days to arrive in UK. (if the uk post office is not on strike)

High rollers poker
On Wednesday we had the final poker game of the season which saw some of the best hands of the winter, most of which were held by Louis. I have never seen so many straights and flushes from one person in one game. With the exception of one hand which flopped AS 5D 5S 7D 4D. Louis showed 2D 3D and smuggly claimed a straight flush only to be corrected to a flush as there was no 6D on the board. As he reached for the chips Alex(Physio) showed A5 giving him a full house and a large chunk of chips from Louis.

Tits for t-shirts
After RTM’s first successful sale of stock in the Bubble they returned for a second shot. This time things didn’t go quite to plan. Kerr thought up Tits for t-shirts as a joke but before you could say boobage the Le Ski girls were getting them out and Mark was seeing his stock and profits disappear. So if you see any Le Ski girls wearing RTM there is a good chance you know how they got them.

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