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Issue 14

Courchevels 2010 Boss des Bosses team

Boss des Bosses report

For many the single-most best day of any season workers' winter will always be this annual meeting of the resorts at the Grands Montets for the Boss des Bosses.
After the last three years, Zermatt finally relinquished their hold on the trophy, if only by the narrowest of margins. After Chamonix and Zermatt both dominated over the other resorts to get to the final, the score swayed from one side to the other until they were deadlocked at 6-6 with one final skier to race. Before the last racer had even started, because he was a stand-in for their top man, the Zermatt judge was almost resigned to the inevitable loss, which 30 seconds later came true giving Chamonix the win for the first year since 2006.
After a great day of entertainment on the hill,everyone headed down to La Terrasse in the centre of town for a rave-style party, fuelled by superb video mashups (including Thunderbirds, Star Trek, Eminem/Edit Piaf and The Streets/Elvis Presley) on the big screen.
Final standing
1st Chamonix, 2nd Zermatt, 3rd Verbier, 4th Val d’Isere, 5th Meribel, 6th Courchevel

The six resorts where initially divided into two group with Courchevel racing against defending champions Zermatt and Veriber. The first race of the day was Courchevel vs Zermatt and run after run it was clear why Zermatt had been so successful in the past. Luckily Lara managed to stop a complete whitewash when she beat Zermatts top girl. Tom Kenny, Courchevel’s last skier, re-dislocated his shoulder while landing from the kicker ending his day. The final score 12-1.
Courchevel were soon back in action against Verbier where Oscar(Powder white) and Ryan(Snowlinx) both managed to win their races. Ryan finished off his run with a clean method air while Ryan landed a clean front flip. Lara was unlucky that her opposite number jumped the start but was not penalised and despite catching her up lost out on style points. Ben Vincent attempted a Lincoln loop that turned into a D-spin 5 but couldn’t quite control the landing. Had he been successful it would have been the trick of the competition. The final score was 2-11.
In our final race against neighbours Meribel Oscar(Power white) got Courchevel’s first point. Ryan’s(Snowlinx) over rotated his final flip landing heavily on his back. Jen(Kili) broke her duck When she beat Amy from Meribel and was quickly joined by Lara. Mike, Tom replacement, got Courchevel last point. Giving a respectable score of 4-8.
Now it’s easy to scoff at these scores but if you saw the overall level of competition I can say that everyone in the team gave 110% and did amazingly well. Respect is due to them all.

The editor

Alpine Excess t-shirts

After running out of brand names that begin with C and sharing roughly the same length as Courchevel I have transmogrified a certain credit card logo. These can now be purchased directly from the online store on the web site and would make an ideal present.

Please note item shipped from France will take 3-5 days to arrive in UK. (if the uk post office is not on strike)

Better than the X-Games
Moppa comments on the Boss des Bosses

Injury of the week

Thanks partly to Gilly’s(Powder White) friends Mr Gin and Mr Tonic Gilly was practicing her famous memory loss and face planting at (insert location here). She’s now looking like she went three rounds with Mike Tyson.
Chanel(Physio) broke her ankle while jumping in the snowboard park. She now is the proud owner of 2 pins and luckily due to her nice employers she will stay out for the remainder of the season, working in their office.
Jane(Kalico) became the latest victim of the last run home. While on the flat Plan de main she fell messing up her knee. At the moment she is waiting for an MRI to determine the extent of the damage. Hopefully they wont include words like ligament and tear.

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