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Issue 9

Louis Chanel Alex Jonny and Amber

Nine weeks down and about 9 weeks to go. It’s half time of this winter season, orange segments and a pep talk in the locker room, the seasonnaire hoodies are sorted, Valentines day is almost on us and hopefully it should start getting a little warmer (both on and off the piste).
Earlier last week there was a meeting between managers from most of the ski companies in 1850. The topic was the collaboration of events throughout the week. Now without sounding like a pessimist although this is a good sign in the end it will never realistically work as not all companies have their days off on the same day. In the old days most staff had Wednesday off so all events took place around that date. With the recent departure of many ski companies this year there is a more even split between Wednesday & Thursday. Now some companies, like Scott Dunn, in the past have been very good in changed their day off when a group of their staff have wanted to take part in an event, and others have steadfastly said it’s more than their jobsworth to do. In my opinion this will never change and Courchevel will remain divided.
But answer me this. Can seasonnaires only go out for a big one on the night before their day out? In the past the answer was a resounding NO but it seams this is changing to a disappointing YES. Isn’t berroca, alka seltzer, Red bull and a large alarm clock enough to get you up in the morning after only a couple of hours sleep?
Because of this theme nights and parties that are organised by independent companies, like the Kalico, will only be attended by the select few like the ski physios(see above).

Alex, the editor

Alpine Excess t-shirts

After running out of brand names that begin with C and sharing roughly the same length as Courchevel I have transmogrified a certain credit card logo. These can now be purchased directly from the online store on the web site and would make an ideal present.

Please note item shipped from France will take 3-5 days to arrive in UK. (if the uk post office is not on strike)

Injury of the week

Looking back over this season it appears that working at Kaluma is somewhat jinxed. First Frank went home after a knife cut on his hand went septic, then Lizzie had to let the NHS deal with a nasty rash (not from Sammy G). Hannah was accidently glassed (but not injured) by an intoxicated Jonny on Jenny’s birthday. Now it’s game over for Emma who blew out her knee ligaments while testing some new K2 missdemeanors.

Black Ice

With the current Baltic temperatures looking to hang around over the weekend the conditions on the roads have been very treacherous. While coming back from Meribel just outside Le Praz I came across an out-of-town Kangoo on its side in the middle of the road. Looking at the tyre marks it looks like he lost control on a bend and hit the snow bank turning the car over.
If that wasn’t bad enough a few days later one of Courchevel’s own buses went off the road while heading down to Bozel.(above) Initial rumours were that it was full of minis and gold bullion but this was later put down to watching too many Micheal Caine films.

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