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Issue 10

Jamie's ankle or whats left of it

At the beginning of every season I meet at least 5 wannabe writers who all enthusiastically ask if they can write some articles for me. Generally, with the exception of Debbie(Inghams 09) who wrote me a regular column last year, nothing ever comes of it. Well this week an anonymous writer under the nom de plume of Belle de Neige has submitted a very amusing look at a chalet girl’s pet hates.
On the day after a woman won Britain’s first gold medal at the winter Olympics for sliding down a bob sledge run on a glorified tea tray, the priorities in Courchevel are slightly different. Here we are focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel that is half term and all the school kids finally going home. No more fake id wielding kids trying to buy drinks in the bars. No more fearless out of control teenage missiles flying down the mountain.

Alex, the editor

Don’t touch my vajayjay, It’s sacred
Chanel(Physio) rejects the advances of Servan

Alpine Excess t-shirts

After running out of brand names that begin with C and sharing roughly the same length as Courchevel I have transmogrified a certain credit card logo. These can now be purchased directly from the online store on the web site and would make an ideal present.

Please note item shipped from France will take 3-5 days to arrive in UK. (if the uk post office is not on strike)

There’s plenty of room in the back. Everyone can come
Amber(private) discusses her ample boot

Injury of the week

After last weeks destruction of Emma knee ligaments it begs the question who would try and upstage her. Apparently Jamie(Ski Total) not only grabbed the baton but ran into the distance like a Jamaican relay runner. While practicing some snowboarding trick whose name, as a skier, escapes me, his board caught an edge, spinning it around, breaking his ankle. Actually that’s a rather understatement he suffered a compound (thats when bone is sticking through the skin) fracture requiring several pieces of metal to be inserted by a nice surgeon in Moutiers. So it’s game over for another seasonnaire season

Why is it so much warmer in the morning when the sun was out?
Becca(Bubble) asks and answers her own question. Are you sure she’s not blonde?

Pet hates. by Belle de Neige

A chalet girl has many... I would like to voice my Chalet girl pet hates. As many of us chalet bitches in Courchevel find on a daily basis, not every experience is happy... basically if one's clients were a bunch of farmyard animals it would be a less caotic experience! Some of them are Pigs, I tell you. Pigs!
There are many things which conspire to irk the chalet girl. He are a few of my favourites...
The Cupboard Of DISPAIR
This is essentially a melange of shite. I imagine there's one in every chalet. A dumping ground for everything we don't know what to do with. I'm talking bottles, bags, hoovers, mops, cans of drink, dirty laundry, general goip. You can't find anyfuckingthing in it. Our's is an under-stair cupboard, so you can't walk into it - only lean, precariously and painfully whilst clinging to the door frame, while you rifle through all the crap and become more and more enraged and emotionally scarred by the experience.
There's only one place on earth that's ever been more depressing than our cupboard of dispair. And that's Auschwitz. A colleague of mine has laid in it, completely flat on her stomach to try to reach some coke cans at the back, flailing around with the hoover head sticking into her groin and her face in a plastic bag - it was at this moment she said she had a moment of 'what the fuck am I doing? I'm a law student!!' clarity.
Chalet girls do a lot of shopping. Therefore another pet hate is clients standing in your way when you're carrying enormous bags of either laundry or food into or out of the building. Both men and women (and children are the worst) have an unbelievable habit of ambling in front of you when you are clearly staggering under a heavy load. They then grind to an oblivious, gormless halt. Because obviously them standing with their fat arse in the doorway is much more important than you not breaking your back with your shopping bag full of cheese. Cheese which, no doubt, they will later stuff their faces with at dinner, rendering their arse even fatter and more difficult to get past next time. Fucking move. I'm not standing here like a frickin manikin you c**t.
Toilet brushes
Just generally pretty unacceptable. Particularly with poo stuck in the bristles.
Pee under the toilet
How they manage to do it is beyond me. I can't figure it out.
Recently I found what can only be described as black goo, on the carpet by the bed in one of the rooms inhabited by a particularly snotty teenager. Innocently and perhaps naively I dipped my finger in it and had a whiff, thinking it was chocolate milk spilt by some charming, yet clumsy child. Alas. It was chunder. Teenage-boy-I've-drunk-too-much-jaeger-or-some-other-disgusting-shit chunder. It was the consistency of tar.I wouldn't mind but said teenager lay on the bed and watched me scrubbing it out of the carpet without so much as an embarrassed flinch. His mother didn't apologise either.
I may take revenge by cleaning the loo with their toothbrushes.
Rich yet tight clients
May I just relay this conversation between my colleagues X and Y. X was so excited by some information she had just found out she started shrieking at Y, who was in the shower. Open the bathroom door! You must hear this immediately!!
X: OMIGOD. I just found out that Client was worth 428 million!!! Can you believe that? 428 MILLION!
Y: ........and he left us that tip?! Fucking cheapskate.

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