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Issue 21

Happy Birthday to me

By the time you read this I will have passed the milestone of what is commonly know as middle age. Not to be confused with the period of european history from the 5th and 15th century. No doubt I will start a period of dramatic self-doubt as I look back on my youth with a deep sense of remorse for goals not accomplished and look forward to impending old age.

So here is a brief summary of my youth.

Born in London, grew up in Kensington, moved up to Oxfordshire, then briefly Staines and now Courchevel. Son of a F1 racing driver who divorced my mother before I can remember and subsequently, even now, I have never met. From the age of eight I’ve spent 8 years at boarding schools including 4 at a public school. 6 of those years learning Latin, like I would ever need that in later life?

Since getting my first computer in 1979, an Atari VCS, I’ve gone through more tech than most including several Dells, 1 Toshiba laptop, 3 Sony Vaios and currently 1 Macbook.

After being clipped around the ear and told to get a job I’ve written software for tills, drawn maps for a council, looked after computers for many companies from the marine engine industry, a well-known rum producer and a few publishers.

I’ve owned a monkey bike, a moped, 2 Honda civics, 2 BMW 3 series coupes, 1 old VW polo called “Fancy” and a Toyota RAV4. Other memorable vehicles include an old Range Rover Vogue which apart from needing it’s own oil field to run had a propensity to breakdown at the most inopportune moments. Luckily I just drove it for a chalet owner and didn’t have to pay the repair bills.

I first went skiing when I was 4 and stopped a few years later. Luckily I started again when I was 20. Since 97 I’ve spending every winter and 6 summers in Courchevel. I still own all the skis I've ever brought, all 5 pairs made by K2. Since 99 I’ve written a gossip rag for the seasonnaires, the newsletter of which you are currently reading.

Other things. After breaking my wristwatch in 2002 I haven't worn one since. I have trouble saying No to women. Despite watching far too much television and playing video games I still have perfect vision. I watch far too many films and endlessly spout quotes from them. When it comes to eyewear I'm a complete Oakley snob. If bribed with a chocolate M&M there are few things I won't do.

Medically I have always had an aversion to people sticking needles in me, not helped by BCG at school. The smell of a hospital causes me to feel faint. As a result of a lifetime sitting desks working with computers I have a lower back problem. To my knowledge I’ve only broken two bones, the ball joint of my humerus (shoulder) April 97 and my fibular in Feb 08. At public school I received a couple of stitches in my foot following a knife wound.

So finally do I have any regrets? Generally no. I have a loving mother and an older sister who puts up with her baby brother. I’m debt free and I live in a French ski resort.
My only regret comes in some of my experiences with the fairer sex. I've met alot of really beautiful & interesting people, some of which have gone on to do really interesting things. Some of those I wished I had expressed my feelings to. Some of those who I got drunk with and subsequently got to know much better I wish I maybe had been a bit more sober. The one exception is a special someone named Claire M.
The only person I’ve known who I could have been described as Miss Right. Unfortunately she could also be described as "the one that got away" and only after amicably parting ways did I realize this. To quote the great Nat King Cole. As a rule a man’s a fool, when it’s hot he wants it cool, when it’s cool he wants it hot, always wanting what it’s not.

The editor

Things I’ve learnt this week
40 feels just like 39
Post seems to travels alot faster when sent from Courchevel to UK
compared to UK to Courchevel. I guess it has something to do with gravity.
Could the state of Courchevel roads get any worse?

New look web site

Bit of a spring clean of the old web site including a new front page, a partners page and an expanded online store. Other pages have been cleaned up making navigation easier.

Useful links:

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